Sahadeo Solutions

Business Performance Solutions

A system from Sahadeo Solutions allows you to get back to the part of the business you love!

Why should you choose us?

How can we help you?

 So you are working hard to build your business. Why is it getting harder to keep up?

 Like many successful businesses, you need to become even more efficient to compete in the evolving market place.  Your competitors are, and so should you!

With over 20 years of experience, and millions of hours saved, we specialized using software to simplify tasks, so you can focus on the things you enjoy. 

After all, you started your business to help your customers, not to spend your time making a spreadsheet work.

What is a Business Performance Solution?

Every business has tasks that add value and create revenue. 

There are also necessary tasks that take away time and add to costs.
We deliver solutions that will,
1) Enhance your business's ability to add value
2) reduce the time spent on those necessary tasks

How can you benefit?

Our solutions go beyond just meeting your requirements;
we add value by creating:

Every solution is developed specifically for your business and your specific needs - no trying to fit a square peg in a round hole

Our Free consultation and estimation gives you the ability pick and choose the solution and pricing that's right for you.

What we offer

01 / Custom design and development
02 / Requirements analysis
03 / Data collection
04 / Manufacturing systems integration
​05 / Excel automation and customization
06 / General contracting for software solutions
07 / Website development
08 / ​Database integration
09 / Business process automation analysis

Meet Sahadeo Solutions 

Our story

Sahadeo Solutions was founded by Rick Sahadeo in April of 2010. Over the past 13 years  Mr.Sahadeo has worked hard to provide the best for his clients. 


    • software development - most common programming languages, 

    • business process analysis, 

    • kaizen - continuous improvement cycles

    • embedded controllers

    • R&D projects

    • Computer infrastructure security


    We keep a big focus on customer satisfaction. We want to help make your business better, not harder for you. Whether you are a small start up company or large long standing company, we have the solutions for your needs.

Get In Touch

Region of Waterloo, Ontario Canada


Free consultation and estimate 
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